General Terms and Conditions

isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna

– Instrumentalists &amp:
Arrival: July 20, 2025
Welcome meeting & commencement of activities: July 21, 2025 morning
Departure: August 3, 2025

-Mastrclass for film music scoring and production
Arrival: July 27.2025
Welcome meeting & commencement of activities: July 28. 2025
Departure: August 2, 2025

Target group
Graduate and postgraduate students or highly advanced undergraduates with performing experience.

Course structure
– isa strives to fulfil requests for specific professors made in the application.
– Exception: Ensembles participating in the Master Class for Chamber Music (Strings/Piano) will generally receive lessons from all participating professors.
– Every participant will receive at least three 45-minute lessons.
– Repertoire requests for the course can be changed until June 15  2025. For more information, see

Course languages
German, English

Supplementary offerings
– In addition to the master classes, participants can also take advantage of supplementary offerings including workshops, lectures, and coaching sessions.
– Such offerings are accessible only in combination with a master class (duration of the registered class) and are included in the course fee.

– The isaFestival (around 35 concerts) is the presentation platform for all participants and an opportunity to perform in public.
– Top-notch (professional) artistic quality is required.
– Final decisions regarding who will be invited to perform are made by isa’s artistic director.

– At the beginning of each course, the professors will nominate the candidates who will be permitted to participate in the competitions.
– It is possible to be nominated for more than one award category, but it must be with different pieces.
– Pieces must be prepared in full. The jury may decide which movement is to be played.
–   The award winners will have the opportunity to perform in the concerts that conclude their respective master classes or, alternatively, in the award winners’ concert.
– The jury is free to confer or withhold awards as it sees fit. Ex-aequo and special mention awards are possible.

At the conclusion of their master classes, active participants will receive certificates confirming their participation in isaMasterClass.

Application and requirements
– Applications must be submitted online at by April 15 2025, under the following link:
– A high artistic level must be confirmed by two video demo (exception: composers may send audio recordings)

Application fee: € 195
Course tuition fee for one week: € 430 (The only exception is the Masterclass for Music Scoring and Production : € 2800.)
Course tuition fee for two weeks: € 790

The course fee includes:
– lessons
– practice facilities
– participation in workshops, lectures, and competitions
– free admission to selected concerts of the isaFestival.

Course fee for passive auditors: € 195
The course fee includes
– passive participation in lessons, workshops, and lectures.

The registration fee is to be paid by April 15 2025 at the latest.
The course fee is to be paid after confirmation of participation by July 1 2025 at the latest.

Account information
Name: Universitaet fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
Bank Address: Schottengasse 11, 1010 Wien
IBAN: AT121200051428590201
Reason for payment: VA31SA25 /Name of the participant

All fees for international transfers must be borne by the participant.
The option “No charges for the recipient” must be selected.
The participant’s name must be noted.

– Withdrawal by participants: From July 1, 2025, the course fee can only be refunded in proven cases of force majeure. The registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
– Non-accepted applicants: The registration fee will be fully refunded.
– Cancellation by isaMasterClass: If isaMasterClass has to cancel a masterclass, both the course fee and the registration fee will be fully refunded.

– Travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of the participants.
– Only participants with valid health insurance are eligible to attend.

Accommodation booking is the responsibility of the students.
For accepted students, a special rate at selected hotels is available until the end of May 2025.

Severance clause
Should individual items of these general conditions be or become invalid, the validity of the other items of these general conditions shall not be affected. The invalid item will be replaced by a substitute provision that comes as close as possible to the intended item.

Participation in the Summer Academy occurs at the participant’s own risk. Participants are responsible for any damage that they may cause. The Summer Academy assumes no liability for compensation of damages, insofar as these are not due to intent or gross negligence, in particular if a master class or a course has to be cancelled.

Special conditions for underage participants
– For the registration of a minor participant, a signed parental consent form from the legal guardian or person with custody is required.
– The legal guardian or person with custody, who signs the contract on behalf of the minor participant, agrees that the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna will not assume responsibility for supervising the minor participant during any waiting times. Supervision of the minor participant by the teacher will only take place during class hours in the classrooms of the mdw.
– The legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that their child is properly handed over to the teacher by themselves or authorized persons and picked up from there afterward.
– If a minor participant fails to attend class, the mdw will not assume any liability.
– The legal guardian is liable for any damages caused by the minor participant.
– The liability of mdw towards the child or their legal guardians is limited to intentional acts and gross negligence. mdw does not assume liability for valuable items.

Applicable laws and place of jurisdiction
It is agreed that Austrian law shall apply for all conflicts resulting from or related to this business relationship, under exclusion of norms of international private law and of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods.
The place of jurisdiction for all conflicts resulting from or related to the business relationship shall be Vienna, Austria.

– I agree to the General Conditions.
– I acknowledge that photographs, video and audio recordings at isa25 as well as radio and television broadcasts of this material, are planned, and for all these I grant my consent.
– The mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna reserves all rights thereto, including to any photos and to both recording and playback in audio and video media.
Possible claims by third parties will not be acknowledged.

isa – International Summer Academy
of the mdw – University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna
+43 1 71155-5110
