
for Contemporary Musicians

Interpretation Award Contemporary Music

Details Interpretation Award Contemporary Music

donated for an outstanding performance of a participant in the Masterclass for Contemporary Music or the workshop Just composed! performed during the Afternoon of contemporary music, see below. Prize money: € 1,000.

Participation: all participants of the workshop „Just composed“

These awards will be conferred following following the concert on Wednesday, 28 August in Reichenau.

Create your own Event

Details Create your own Event

Create your own event

Are you a creative musician and keen to meet your audience?
Are you looking forward to performing music in a way that would satisfy both your own vision and the audience’s expectations? Do you have a brilliant idea of making a brand new music event in which you or your ensemble could perform? Than you are the right person for isa’s new program “CREATE YOUR OWN EVENT”!

All you have to do is just write down a short concept of a unique music event.
Consequently we, the isa team, are channeling our efforts and infrastructure to make it possible.
”Create your own event” is isa’s brand new way of fostering young musicians’ creativity, being both a competition and a workshop. We encourage you to think “unlimited” (isa21´s topic) and propose your individual dream performance to us. The participants in the competition will receive training in event management, templates as well as support in logistics, administrative activities and (technical) infrastructure. The participants in the workshop can benefit from the same training and even be active members in the project management team.

Duration: 60 minutes at max.
Location: Schloss Reichenau (indoor and/or outdoor)
Topic: “unlimited”
Cast/Repertoire: chamber music (solo to sextet)
We can provide infrastructure for a small to medium event. Also, you can encourage other isa participants to get involved!
Technical equipment: professional HD audio and video team at your hand, lightning, possibility for recording and streaming, technical support is provided
Prize: Your performance will be presented as a real event with audience and streaming at the isaFestival on Tuesday, the 24th August 2021.

The project plans should be submitted no later than July 30 [format, length, mail address].
The jury will select one project that will be implemented within isa and it will be mentored by Florin Luchian, artist manager and creative coach.

Contact information:
Christina Eder-Meissner

Digital Creative Award

Details Digital Creative Award

isaDigital 2020’s Digital Creative Award will serve to recognise a musical performance presented in a video. The judging criteria will centre on the creative use of the many possibilities inherent in video production and digital media. Entries should hence be more than just straightforward videos of musical performances, and your creative latitude is subject to no limits: from imaginative stagings to multitrack videos and from simple “dramas” to true video art, anything goes within the specified maximum length.
Length: at least 3 minutes and no more than 5 minutes.

Technical details:
Video format:
widescreen, 16:9 aspect ratio
high resolution

Audio requirements:
good sound, no background noise/interference; in stereo if possible

Eligible to submit entries are all active isa participants.

The winner will receive a cash prize in the amount of € 1,000 (one thousand Euros). The members of this competition’s specialist jury will screen all submissions and select the best one. The winning entry will be announced live during a concert of the isaFestival.
