
Welcome to isaFriends!

isaFriends is our platform for all music lovers who feel connected to the unique overall experience that is “isa” and would like to lend us their support. As an isaFriend, you’ll enjoy an annual invitation to an exclusive event or concert. Beyond their enjoyment of our music and events, isaFriends who are interested can also get involved as our ambassadors!

isa will direct your annual contribution (€ 75 per individual or € 120 for two people) to whatever part of isa needs it most at the moment. What’s more, isa can always make good use of additional financial resources to support economically disadvantaged young talents as well as make possible the performance of certain works—and if you’d like, you’re also welcome to tell us for what purpose you’d like your general contribution to isa to be used!

It’s possible, of course, to contribute greater amounts on an individual basis. If you’d like to become an isaFriend, please contact us!


isa – International Summer Academy of the mdw
Anton-von-Webern-Platz 1
1030 Vienna

Monika Mistlbachner
Tel.: +43 1 71155 5115

Account Information

Name: Universitaet fuer Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien

Purpose: VA31SA24
Bank: UniCredit Bank Austria AG
IBAN: AT121200051428590201

Please choose the option “no charges for recipient”.

isaFriends is open to all legally competent individuals who are at least 18 years of age. isaFriends is a service offering of isa – the International Summer Academy of the mdw and is directed exclusively toward private individuals. Membership in isaFriends is valid from 1 August of a given year to 31 July of the following year.
